IRN - Use the IRN search to view payments for a specific school district,
community school, non-public school or child meal provider. Using the IRN will only show
payments made through one of the Departments major subsystems. Use the Vendor ID to find
all payments to a vendor.
Vendor ID - Use the Vendor ID to view all payments.
To find the OAKS Vendor ID use one of the other search methods (IRN, Invoice#, Voucher ID)
to find payments. The OAKS vendor ID will appear in the Invoices detail box – Example:
OAKS Vendor ID: 0000012345.
Voucher ID - Use the Voucher ID to find a specific payment.
Voucher ID from the check stub or the bank EFT statement. The Voucher ID is
eight digits and begins with a 0. Most EFT statements put EDU01 (Education)
before the Voucher ID .- Example EDU010001234.
Invoice ID - Use the Invoice ID to find a specific payment.
The invoice number is either a number assigned by the subsystems or assigned by the vendor.
Invoice Box:
- Click the Detail button to see invoice detail by Fund and Program.
- Use the Title Bar to sort payments by clicking on the underlined title.
- System column shows the payment subsystem where the payment originated.
Invoice Detail Box:
- Displays Fund, Program and Payment amount.
- Use the Title Bar to sort payments by clicking on the underlined title.
- Payment Message provides additional information about the payment.
The Payment Message may include a link to additional information on the Web.